A experiment was conducted at Princeton University and the University of California were students were randomly assigned either laptops or pen and paper for note taking at lectures. Those that used laptops had substantially worse understanding of the lecture, as measured by a standardized test, than those who did not. Why, you ask?
It was found that students type faster than they can write, therefore the lecturer’s words flowed right to the student’s fingers without stopping in their brains for processing. Students writing by hand had to process the spoken material simply to enable their pens to keep up with the lecture. The handwritten version was actually more clear using only a few words making the notes more relevant as discussed by lecturer.
Here are some further thoughts from “pen users”:
“A good comfortable pen is an extension of one’s hand and thereby an extension of one’s mind: a smooth thought flow that enables thoughts to flow”
Jon Messer, Award Winning Architectural Writer
“When I write by hand, it slows down my thoughts. On computer, my hand goes much faster than my brain”
Alan Shaw, Shaw Pens Owner and Designer
“Writing with a beautiful pen somehow connects my head and heart.”
Timothy John, Artist and Poet
“My mind seems to connect with the paper through a fine pen. I will take notes when I read. It seems to open up a clearer understanding with a good pen in my hands”
Nancy Olsen, Forbes Life